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2024년 3월 22일 금요일

[공모전 및 대외활동] Korea Business Competition 2024(24.03.04~24.03.31)

청소년 국제 대회 
Korea Business Competition 2024
SPRING 'Regular' Team Register Form [3/4 ~ 3/31]

Korea Business Competition (KBC) is a self-sustaining professionally led organization that has successfully held competitions, conferences, and workshops over the past 11 years. Currently, KBC is allianced with more than 350 participants from a top-level international and international schools in Korea. KBC bridges the academic and competitive gap between students from all around the country through business competitions, workshops, and conferences. KBC inspires students to conduct case studies and business research, and later present their own business models through presentations and business reports based on the given prompt. In the process, students will nurture skill sets that are critical in becoming successful future entrepreneurs through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.

To secure your spot in the 2024 SPRING Competition, sign up before the end of 3/31/2024 (11:59 PM) for 'Regular' Registration.

ㆍEarly Registration: 2/13 ~ 3/3 (23:59 KST) 

ㆍRegular Registration: 3/4 ~ 3/31 (23:59 KST)

ㆍLate Registration: 4/1 ~ 4/19 (23:59 KST)

ㆍBusiness Presentation and Report: Due 4/21 (23:59 KST)

ㆍCompetition Day: 4/28 (Venue: Zoom) 


본 정보는 주최사가 제공한 자료를 바탕으로 작성된 것입니다. 내용에 오타 또는 오류가 있을 수 있으며, 주최사 사정으로 인하여 관련 정보 및 일정이 변경될 수 있으니 주최사 홈페이지나 공지사항을 통해 반드시 공모요강을 확인하시기 바랍니다. 등록한 내용에 대하여 사용자가 이를 신뢰하여 취한 조치에 대해서 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다.