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2024년 10월 17일 목요일

[공모전 및 대외활동] Change It Challenge 2024 - Monash University(24.11.03)

청소년 환경관련 아이디어 공모전 / 호주 멜버른 초청(항공권 및 숙박 포함) / 세계대회 참가권
Change It Challenge 2024 - Monash University



Make your future self proud and tackle the challenges of the age with Monash University’s Change It Challenge

In every age people grapple with realising hopes, surmounting testing circumstances and quelling threats. These challenges are experienced unevenly and unequally within and across nations. Populations that are already disadvantaged, vulnerable and underserved are those most likely to be negatively affected and to have the least access to the solutions that mitigate their outcomes. At Monash University we believe it’s never too late to Change It. We’re dedicated to helping solve the world’s big problems and we want you to help us.


Monash University’s Change It Challenge is a competition to make your change and have your voice heard. 

Join us in helping solve some of the challenges of the age – from climate change through to building thriving communities. Once you’ve chosen a challenge to focus on, we want you to choose the issue that concerns you the most or are most passionate about, think about how it affects where you live and share with us what you would do to change it and why.

ROUND ONE – Upload your entry

Your challenge is to answer these questions: 
1. Which challenges of the age (climate change or thriving communities) concerns you the most? Which issue within this challenge is of the most concern to you and how does it affect where you live? 
2. How will you make your change and tackle this issue in a way that will make your future self proud?
Present your findings in a 3 minute video. All audio, voiceovers, text and captions must be in English.
Upload your video to an online video sharing platform (such as Youtube). The format of the video is up to you, but ensure that the video is unlisted and remember that the final submission video must not break any rules or laws.
Email your submission to intcampaigns@monash.edu Be sure to include: 

■ Team Name 

■ Team member names 

■ Team member email addresses 

■ School 

■ Year level 

■ Your city 

■ Link to video upload

ROUND TWO – In-country final

Up to five finalist teams will be announced by 15 November 2024. The finalists will have the opportunity to deliver their presentation, either virtually or in-person, to a panel of judges, ranging from Monash staff and industry partners. The in-country final will be held on Friday 29 November 2024 and the winning team will be given the opportunity to travel to Melbourne, Australia to compete in the international Monash University Change It Challenge finale event.


The winning team of the in-country final will be given the opportunity to spend a week in Melbourne to compete in the international Monash University Change It Challenge finale event. The finale event will consist of winning teams from across the globe, vying for the chance to be named the 2024 Change It Challenge champion.

The grand prize includes: 
■ Return flights and visa fee included for winning team and 1x guardian (school representative) to Monash University, Australia in February 2025. 
■ 4 nights’ accommodation, with food and travel costs included. 
■ Full schedule of activities provided to give the winning team the opportunity to experience life as a Monash student. This includes: 
– Tour of Caulfield and Clayton campuses 
– Sessions for school reps with recruitment teams 
– Sessions for students to meet and greet with current students and teachers 
– Tour of the City of Melbourne, including a tour of Monash College. 
■ Global Challenge – Opportunity to compete in the international finale event against other winning teams from around the world to be named the 2024 Change It Challenge champion. 
All finalists will receive Monash goodies and a certificate



Entries can comprise individuals OR teams of Grade 10 and 11 students (note max of 3 students per team). 

All Round One entries will be judged by the Monash University selection committee. Entries open 9am (Korea Standard Time) 9 September and close at 5pm (Korea Standard Time) on 3 November2024. 


Up to five finalists will be announced to present at the in-country final event on Friday 29 November 2024. 

Finalists in this round must deliver their three minute video presentation in-person in front of the judges. After the presentation there will be an additional three minutes added where you will take questions from the judging panel. 

Once all finalists have presented, the judging panel will deliberate and then name the winning team, who will be awarded the prize of a trip to Melbourne, Australia to compete in the international Monash University Change It Challenge finale event. 

The main prize will be awarded after both country finals have taken place, and will be based on scores achieved during the in-person panel events for each team. 

Presentations will be judged based on the following criteria: 

– Relevance of Issue 

– Research 

– Creativity of Approach 

– Quality of Presentation


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