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2024년 3월 21일 목요일

[공모전 및 대외활동] 2024 International Knowledge Civilization and Nano Technology Conference(IKNC HIGH 2024)

국제 청소년 컨퍼런스
2024 International Knowledge Civilization and Nano Technology Conference(IKNC HIGH 2024)

Hosted by IKNC

Managed by Global Harrisco

IKNC 2024 will provide a platform for researchers, academies and other professionals from all over the world to present research results and developments in all fields including Literature, Science, Medical, Engineering, etc.

IKNC is the premier conference that brings together a unique and international mix of experts, researchers and decision makers both from academia and industry across the globe to exchange their knowledge, expertise and research innovations.

You will have a great opportunity to attend the presentations delivered by eminent scientists from all over the world and will have fruitful networking with them.

In this International Conference, we will select papers for presentation through a fair review, and the selected papers will be recommended to be published in following SCI(E), SSCI Journals after an additional review process and need extra publication charge.


Submission of Abstract Due: Apr 8, 2024

Acceptance of Abstract: Apr , 15, 2024

Early Registration Due: Apr, 22, 2024

Regular Registration Due: May, 6, 2024

Conference: May 25, 2024

Submission of Full paper; June, 3, 2024



Pure Science Filed (Overall)

Bio/Medicine Filed (Overall)

Life science Filed (Overall)

Engineering Field (Overall)


Business/Economics Field (Overall)

Social Science Field (Overall)


Art & Humanities Field (Overall)

IKNC HIGH 2024 Eligibility for application

Middle/High School Students

IKNC HIGH 2024 Participating Unit

Individual / Team (up to 5 people, regardless of the school, gender, grade)

IKNC HIGH 2024 Awards

Oral Presentation Awards 

Grand Prize 1 person - IKNC Chairman Award

Gold Prize 0 persons -  IKNC Chairman Award

Silver Prize 0 persons -  IKNC Chairman Award

Bronze Prize 00 persons- IKNC Chairman Award

IAESTE KOREA Chairman Award 00 persons

(The number of recipients may vary depending on the paper quality)

Poster Presentation Awards 

Grand Prize 1 person - IKNC Chairman Award

Gold Prize 0 persons -  IKNC Chairman Award

Silver Prize 0 persons -  IKNC Chairman Award

Bronze Prize 00 persons- IKNC Chairman Award

IAESTE KOREA Chairman Award 00 persons

(The number of recipients may vary depending on the paper quality)

Research Note Awards 

Grand Prize 1 person - IKNC Chairman Award

Gold Prize 0 persons -  IKNC Chairman Award

Silver Prize 0 persons -  IKNC Chairman Award

Bronze Prize 00 persons- IKNC Chairman Award

IAESTE KOREA Chairman Award 00 persons

(The number of recipients may vary depending on the paper quality)

All Participants will receive a participation certificate.


The International Knowledge Civilization and Nano Technology Conference for Middle /High School Students.

The world's best conference which provides a meeting place for a wide variety of Middle/ High School Students students to convene together and discuss different topics related to the fields of Humanities, Science, and Engineering.


Fostering global leaders through education that is centered on autonomous and creative research questions.

Nurturing experts in each field through the encouragement of independent research and the broader acquirement of specialized knowledge.

Improving the ability to conduct, lead, and produce independent research, in addition to promoting interest and more advanced expertise in the quest for more nuanced answers.

Cultivating global leaders through the reinforcement of creative competence across a wide range of skill-sets.

IKNC HIGH provides the premier conference that brings together a unique and international mix of creative students, researchers and decision makers both from academia and industry across the globe to exchange their knowledge, expertise and research innovations.

Major Activities of the IKNC HIGH

Academic Activities

A window for discovering excellent researchers and promoting excellence research to the world through the IKNC International Conference.

Research and development of policies and strategies for the globalization and information era.

Research and development of strategies to vitalize rural areas that have a less-than-desirable research environment.

Research and development of future-oriented research media and instruction methods.

Research and development of research policies and strategies for the global communication era.

Content development and strategy research for globalization of the Knowledge Civilization.

Content development and strategy research for globalization of the Nano Technology.

Academic Support

Support activities for the development of future human resources.

Support activities for the research and development of Knowledge Civilization and Nano Technology contents.


Publication of research data for future research policies.

Research reports of related fields and book publications

Publication of a variety of research materials for academic support.


본 정보는 주최사가 제공한 자료를 바탕으로 작성된 것입니다. 내용에 오타 또는 오류가 있을 수 있으며, 주최사 사정으로 인하여 관련 정보 및 일정이 변경될 수 있으니 주최사 홈페이지나 공지사항을 통해 반드시 공모요강을 확인하시기 바랍니다. 등록한 내용에 대하여 사용자가 이를 신뢰하여 취한 조치에 대해서 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다.